
Why a canopy lottery?

In 2022 Maplewoodstock piloted a new, more organized, less sleep-deprived, and safer way to ensure that all Maplewood and South Orange residents have a fair and equal opportunity for canopy space at the festival. The lotteries have worked well, so they’re now a permanent part of our festival experience!

What was wrong with the previous system?

The “traditional” system of setting up canopies at 5AM had its advantages (and disadvantages), but did not provide equal access for all festival-goers and placed too much emphasis on the first-come-first-served and the physical nature of the early-morning dash.

Who is eligible to enter the lottery?

Anyone with a Maplewood or South Orange residential address is eligible to enter the lottery, but we will only accept one entry per address. An adult (18 years of age) or older will need to be present on the morning of the festival to confirm lottery registration and set up your canopy.

How do we know the lottery is fair?

Lottery winners will be selected randomly with the assistance of a computer-generated filter. The volunteer Maplewoodstock organizers are your neighbors and we hold ourselves to high ethical standards.

Are any people/groups receiving special preference?

Lottery winners will be randomly selected.  As in past years, there will be reserved canopy locations for older adults (via SOMA Two Towns For All Ages) or those requiring Accessible Seating.  Please visit our Accessibility page for additional information.  There will also be a handful of locations set aside for Maplewoodstock Committee operations and production personnel.

In 2024, Maplewoodstock also plans to hold a raffle for three “VIP Experiences” each day which will include a canopy location. Raffle entry information coming soon!

How many canopy spots are available?

Approximately 100 canopy locations will be available for each day of the festival.  Note that (as in the past) not all canopy locations will have a direct view of the stage.

Entering the Lottery

How can I apply for the lottery?

There are three ways to enter the lottery, and your method of entry will not affect your odds of winning:

  • Apply online at;
  • Complete a paper entry at the Hilton Branch of the Maplewood public library or the South Orange public library; or
  • Leave a message for the Canopy Volunteer Coordinator at (973) 996-8198 and you will be contacted by phone to complete an entry.

Is the application only online or will there be a paper form?

A paper application will be available for submission at the Hilton branch of the Maplewood public library and at the South Orange Library.

Can I only apply for one day or both days?

You may apply for a canopy spot for Saturday only, Sunday only, or for both days of the festival.

What are the requirements for entry?

Lottery entrants must have a residential address in Maplewood or South Orange.  Only one entry per residential address (per day) is permitted, and duplicate entries will be discarded.

Can anyone apply for a canopy space?

Anyone with a residential address in Maplewood or South Orange may apply. Proof of address will be required prior to setting up your canopy on the morning of the festival. At least one legal adult (18 or older) must be present at check-in on the day of the festival. Teens may assist with set up so long as one adult is present.

Can multiple members of the same family apply for a canopy to increase the chance of winning?

You may submit one application per residential address.

When can I apply for the lottery?

Applications can be submitted between 11 AM on June 29, 2024, until 11 AM on July 6, 2024.

When and how will the winners be announced?

Lottery results will be announced by July 7, 2024.  If you entered the lottery and do not receive a communication with your results by the end of the day on July 7, please visit this space to check the status of your entry.

Lottery Results

Can lottery winners select their canopy location?

No. On each morning of the festival, canopy setup will be directed by Maplewoodstock staff, with lower numbered lottery winners setting up their canopies first.  Canopy locations will be assigned by Maplewoodstock staff in their sole discretion (though lower numbered lottery winners will likely have a better chance of a “front row” location).

If I win the lottery but can’t make the event, can my friend take my spot?

No; canopy spaces are non-transferable.

If I’m not selected in the lottery is there still a chance I can get a spot for my canopy?

A limited number of lottery entrants who do not win a canopy spot for a day of the festival will automatically be placed on a wait list for no-shows.  Should a canopy location become available, those on the wait list will be able to set up a canopy.  Waitlist winners will be notified with additional information.

If a friend and I both win canopy spots can we consolidate into one canopy?

Sharing of canopy locations is permitted at your discretion (and encouraged).  Please notify the Maplewoodstock Canopy Team if you choose to consolidate so we can award a canopy location to someone on the wait list.

My friend and I both won spots in the canopy lottery; can we set up our canopies next to each other?

No; canopy locations will be assigned by Maplewoodstock staff in order of lottery number.

Day of the Event

Where do we park our car and access the festival site at our assigned arrival time?

Please plan to park on Dunnell Road between Oakview Avenue and Oakland Road as other local parking is reserved for vendors and emergency personnel.  Please leave extra time to access the park area as there may be road closures (and ongoing construction at the Maplewood library is unpredictable). Lottery winners will receive additional details in advance of the festival.  This is subject to change as we finalize the logistical details of our festival.

And, to be clear — if you can relocate your car after unloading your canopy, we would greatly appreciate it — as there are lots of bands, equipment, ice, food, arts and crafts, etc. being loaded into and out of our festival grounds at all hours of the days at the beautiful and historic Memorial Park.

We simply ask for neighborly cooperation and consideration.

What time will we be able to access the park?

Lottery winners will be notified of the time to arrive at the festival site. Winners will arrive in 15 minute time frames to avoid crowding and keep things organized.  The meeting location will be in front of the stage.  After providing proof of residency, the first group of winners (i.e., those with the lowest lottery numbers) will be called at or around 8:30 AM.  Winners should not arrive at the festival site prior to their assigned time as this will slow down the process.  Late arrivals will be assigned a canopy location at the discretion of Maplewoodstock staff.

How will canopy locations be determined?

Winners will be assigned a number based on lottery results. Maplewoodstock staff will direct canopy set up locations in ascending order (i.e., lottery winner 1 will go first, then 2, etc.).  Canopy locations will be assigned by Maplewoodstock staff in their sole discretion (though lower numbered lottery winners will likely have a better chance at a “front row” location).  As in past years, not all canopy locations will have a direct view of the stage.

How far apart will the canopies be spaced?

Canopies may be up to 10’x10’ in size and will be placed adjacent to each other as in past years.

What do I need to bring on the morning of the event?

  • Winners will be required to provide proof of address that matches their lottery application.
  • A 10’ x 10’ canopy or ground covering.
  • One adult (18 years and older) must be present.

Can someone set up my canopy for me?

Yes, however a resident of the winning address must also arrive at the festival site with a proof of address matching the lottery application.

What if I don’t have a canopy?

Canopies are not required but we ask that you bring something 10’ x 10’ in size to mark your location for the duration of the festival day.  Given the lottery is for a limited number of canopy locations, however, we strongly encourage lottery entrants to have a canopy.

What if I need help setting up my canopy?

While there will be a limited number of Maplewoodstock Canopy Committee volunteers available to assist in a pinch, we encourage you to arrive with enough people to raise your canopy in a quick and efficient manner.

What happens if I forget my documentation on the morning of the event?

Those without proof of address will not be permitted to set up a canopy on the morning of the event until proof of residency is provided.

Are people I don’t know allowed to use my canopy?

Maplewoodstock’s traditional “squatter’s rights” policy will remain in effect, meaning that others may use your canopy when it is otherwise unoccupied.  Upon the canopy owner’s arrival, non-owners can be asked and expected to move along.  This is to hedge against large numbers of canopies being left unoccupied for hours at a stretch.

What time do I have to take the canopy down?

As in past years, ALL canopies MUST be removed each night of the festival and no overnight canopies are permitted.  Canopies left overnight (or otherwise set up in violation of these policies) will be removed and the Maplewoodstock Committee will not be responsible for any resulting damage or loss.

This means you cannot just lower the canopy or break it down and leave it on the hill.  It must be removed.

Can I leave the canopy up overnight if I win a spot both days?

No. As in past years, all canopies MUST be removed each night of the festival and no overnight canopies are permitted.  Canopies left overnight (or otherwise set up in violation of these policies) will be removed and the Maplewoodstock Committee will not be responsible for any resulting damage or loss. Plus, given high demand we do not anticipate anyone winning the canopy lottery on both days of the festival.

Can I set up my canopy at 5AM?

No.  Canopies set up in violation of these policies will be removed and the Maplewoodstock Committee will not be responsible for any resulting damage or loss.

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